lunes, 12 de diciembre de 2011


We have learned many things during our workshops, but as most of us have no idea (or not really), about photography, we started from the most basic idea:
Light is essential in photography. This words means, literally, “writing with light”.
The possibility of forming images using a little hole is not recently known, and it constitutes the base of the “camara obscura”. This is because, as light moves in straight line, rays from the superior part of the scene can get to the inferior part of the receptor screen from the interior of the camara, and opposite, forming an inverted image. This image is dark due to the fact that the hole is small. To produce a lighter picture, it is needed to get more light and make the rays converge, which means, FOCUS. This demands the use of lenses.
Obviously, we have to fix the image somewhere. If a material in which the light alters it, is exposed to an illuminated image, it will change the more where the light gets the more intensively way.
The silver salts employs in modern photograph materials solve this problem. The film is exposed to the light to initiate the darkening process. I will talk about the procedure of obtaining the photographs later.

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