martes, 6 de diciembre de 2011


To do the “positivism” process, there must be two zones, the wet one and the dry one. What we first have to do is getting a contact sheet of our photographs.

To do this, we have to put in contact the negatives with the sheet of photograph paper. This one is sensitive to usual light, but not orange one (only illumination). We cut the negatives, choose one to prove the exposition time and put it against the sheet, covered with a glass.
We estimate the time by covering part by part in the negative, so there are zones which are exposed more time than others. (We can do it each 2 seconds).
To reveal it, we submerge the paper in the revealer, stopper, fixer and final washed. It is approximately one minute, 10 seconds, other minute and 20 seconds, respectively.
We dry the paper, and then we do the same with all the negatives, to do our contact sheet, using the time of exposure we find right according to the negative we have done before.
Now, we can do the ENLARGEMENT

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