viernes, 9 de diciembre de 2011


After having got used to using a camera and its parts, we started with analogic ones. We had to use a film with 400 ISO sensibility, in black and white, to make different exercises:

The first ones were related with the depth of field. As I said, depth of field is the area of sharpness extended in front of and behind the focused object.
1.      First plane focused background unfocused.

We can get this with little aperture of the diaphragm, i.e 5.6

2.    First plane unfocused, background focused.

Same, with little depth of field. Focusing in the last plane, instead of the first plane, and little f number to get it.

3.      First and last plane unfocused, central plane focused.

4. All planes focused

To get all the planes focused, we need a big depth of field. We can get this with a big aperture of the diaphragm, i.e, F11.
The other exercises were related with movement. This depends on the shutter speed we use:
5.    Frozen movement.

Frozen movements are caught by using a high shutter speed. 125 shutter speed is the speed to freeze a pedestrian walking in the street, so we can measure according to this.

6. Captured movement

A captured movement is got by using a low shutter speed like 60. This creates a “halo” of movement in the picture.

7. Panning

A panning is created by using a shutter speed of, i.e, 30 to 60, and accompanying the subject which is moving while taking the picture. The effect is the frozen movement of the subject moving, and a blurry background.  

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